I’m a service/e-commerce/product business. Is this the right group for me? 

Of the 2,000+ Entreprenista League current members about 52% are service-based business owners while 48% represent e-commerce, CPG, non-profit, and tech sectors. And there’s a wide variety of industries including fashion, healthcare, beauty, agencies, consulting, media, and wellness. Plus, when you join The Entreprenista League, you’ll be invited to join your industry room to surround yourself with like-minded women. One of the best parts about our community having such a diversity in the types of businesses and stages of business is that members are connecting, doing business together, referring clients and partnering with each other. Members are all able to help support each other.

What are the core membership benefits that are included in my Lifetime Membership?

As a Lifetime Member, you’ll immediately have access to all of these resources as soon as you join (and the beauty of being a Lifetime Member is that you don’t have to use them immediately. They’ll be available when you need them).

1. Networking & relationship building through our community platform, or at our meetup and networking events.

2.  PR and visibility opportunities including features on Entreprenista’s social media channels, guest podcast opportunities, and opportunities to be featured in branded campaigns. 

3. Weekly Office Hours with Expert Founders to learn industry secrets from the most powerful women in business. 

4. Virtual Networking Events including member networking and relationship building, co-working sessions for and Friday Feedback.

5. Local Member Meetups attend in person events scheduled all across the US + Canada (& even Columbia).

6. Business Solutions & Discounts, save time and money with discounts on Entreprenista-approved business tools.

7. Entreprenista 100 Awards, receive a discount on entry submissions for our annual awards program celebrates trailblazing women in business.  

Bonus 1: Receive a profile piece on Entreprenista.com

Bonus 2: Tips & Tricks to Help You Land Major Press Coverage (tipsheet)

Bonus 3: 5 Tips to Help You Go From Camera Shy To Camera Ready (tipsheet)

Bonus 4: How to Create a Sales Funnel that Converts (workbook) 

Bonus 5: Sample Marketing Budget (template)

Bonus 6:  Brand Guidelines (template) 

Bonus 7: Online Business Legal Guide (tipsheet)

Bonus 8: Finding Mentorship & Community In Female Entrepreneurship (workbook)

How much time do I need to be in the community? 

We know that operating a business can make us feel that we don’t have time for many things. The beauty of this community is you have lifetime access and whether you have 5 minutes a week,an hour a day, or you just want the peace of mind to know you have access to the support and community when you need it. We have created an Onboarding guide in the community platform to show you the best way to maximize your membership based on your business goals. We know you will go through different seasons and stages of life and business, and we are here to support you when you need it. You may pop in for 10 minutes a week to check in and ask a question about something you need in your business, or you may attend weekly learning and networking events and spend a few hours. Or you may take advantage of a  a press opportunity or share something you are working on in your business with the community. The Entreprenista League was created to fit into your life and business, on your own terms and there is so much value in just having access to the community itself.

How do I get access to the community platform?

The Entreprenista League is hosted on Circle (and not Facebook). Circle is a community platform created specifically to help foster engagement and the opportunity to connect and build lasting business relationships. You can download the Circle app onto Android or iOS to use on the go, or use the desktop version (you’ll need to sign up for the first time on desktop).

I’m just starting out in business, is this right for me?

Absolutely! (and congratulations 🎉) By joining the community now when you are first starting your business, you’re going to save yourself lots of time and money by having access to the resources and support you will need to grow your business. Think about all of the questions you have each day as you are building, what software to use, how to get customers or clients, how to create a marketing strategy and more. You’ll have instant access to answers, plus access to like minded founders who will be there to support you. Plus, you’ll be able to build relationships with founders who are further along than you are to learn from in the community and at Office Hours.

I’m an established business owner, what are the best benefits for me?

Over half of our members have been in business 5+ years and are far along on their business journey. In addition to the access to the community and being able to ask questions and receive instant feedback from fellow founders, established business owners share with us they love the PR, visibility, podcast and brand partnership opportunities, resources on building a business to sell, hosting events, discounts on business tools and access to Office Hours with top founders. 

There are educational events hosted by some of the most powerful women in business (300+ replays are available inside The Entreprenista League).

What does it mean to get Lifetime Access?

We know that you’ll go through different stages of life and business and want to be sure you have the support every step of the way. Imagine if you are going through a period of time when you need lots of help and support. You will have the community there to help you. Or perhaps you're going through a season of business where it feels like you have no or limited time, you don’t have to worry that you will lose access to the community by not being engaged. We’ll still be here when you pick back up. Our goal is to provide the support you need when you need it and with lifetime access you have the peace of mind to know we will be there to support you. When you join the community today, you will instantly become a lifetime member of The Entreprenista League and be surrounded by your future best friends in business.

What are the investment options?

When you build a business, you’re going to have to make choices about where you invest your money to grow. To grow your business, to grow as a leader and to grow your network. Our goal is to make our community as accessible as possible to all founders at all stages of business so you can have the support and resources that you’ll need as you are growing your business.  You can either pay for your lifetime access in full as one payment or choose the convenience of our installment plan to pay off your lifetime membership over the course of 12 months. But the best part is, once you pay you’re in for life and will be part of the most supportive community of founders. 

If you’re serious about building your business, you truly can’t afford to not join the community. 

The Entreprenista League includes powerhouse women (like Adrianna Carrig whose PR partnership included NSYNC & Taylor Swift, Candace Nelson who’s a guest judge on Shark Tank, and Katie Rosen Kitchens of FabFitFun), women founders making 7-figures, and some starting a new venture. There are writers and collaborators for top publications like Inc,, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and more. And more than 100+ podcast hosts. We do offer a 12 month installment plan to pay for your lifetime membership over the course of one year. Your new best friends in business are waiting for you inside!

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